

Besides all other inspirations which took place during the process of painting these works. There was crucial common inspiration. The subjective treatment of the computer artistic medium. During the process of painting I led the computer program randomly cut the painting to reorder it again into jpeg file. After that the unlimited jpeg files of the remixed versions of the painting was an inspiration for further process of painting. For more reading about this project please check this pages: NEXT , 01001110-01000101-01011000-01010100

  • Exhibition view | Video animation illustrating the algorithm randomly processing the photograph of the oil painting titled Aleks during its creation.
  • Poster UFO | 2020–2022 | oil on canvas 70 ✕ 50
  • Captivating Freely | 2020–2022 | oil on linen canvas 200 ✕ 200
  • Prometheus | 2021–2022 | oil on linen canvas 230 ✕ 200
  • Davide & Criss | 2021–2022 | oil on linen canvas 120 ✕ 100
  • Huēhuecoyōtl | 2016–2022 | oil on canvas 104 ✕ 100
  • Aleks | 2021–2022 | oil on canvas 170 ✕ 100
  • Moloch | 2020–2022 | oil on canvas 150 ✕ 100
  • Rack | 2021–2022 | oil on canvas 60 ✕ 40
  • Next | 2020–2022 | oil on canvas 140 ✕ 100
  • View of NEXT Exhibition in UFO Art Gallery | Themis | 2020–2022 | oil on canvas 100 ✕ 60 + Video animation illustrating the algorithm randomly processing the photograph of the oil painting titled Themis during its creation.
  • 1984+ | 2020–2022 | oil on linen canvas 190 ✕ 170
  • Nothing is granted even ageing | 2018–2022 | oil on linen canvas 67 ✕ 29
  • Melancholy | 2018–2022 | oil on linen canvas 200x200


Human-machine cooperation during the process of art creation. With particular focus on the personal treatment of the machine. If the painting is recognized as an freedom, therefore expression of the biochemical human deposition, the program would be considered as an expression of the machine and its technical-electrical deposition. First, if it is a program that will allow such an expression, that is, it will give the computer freedom and allow the lottery of the outcome. Python Program randomly transform the uploaded photo of painting. The transformed information are reordered in new noise like composition, which density is varied. The outcome is inspiration to further work on that painting. The physical object is a result of man-computer cooperation during process of painting. The single steps after computer processing stay virtual and are tokenised to NFT.