

Otwarta Pracownia | Dietla 11, Cracow
08. 09. 2018

The exhibition HALF -LIE -NONE, is an exhibition of paintings, with multimedia Chimera. I tried to look for visual expression of lies, untruths, not all-truths and other such tangled companions of existence, as a testimony of our being. Because the most irritating fact in all this ‚Half-lie‘ topic is the necessity of its existence.

‚We still do not know, where does rush to the truth come from; until now we only heard of the commitment,
required by the community, to exist, the obligation to be true, like using typical metaphors, and in the moral
formulation: the obligation to lie in binding all style.‘

Friedrich Nietzsche

CHIMERA | 2017 | assamblage 150 × 150 + video mapping, sound by Damian Obara